How To Find A Killer Domain Name

find a killer domain nameAre you looking for short, sweet, easily rememberable domain name? Since all good domain names are already taken Now a days it is difficult to find single word, easily rememberable domain name. Everyday hundreds of thousands of new domain names registered around the world. Yesterday I was searching for a 4 letter domain name for my new technology site. And guess what? After searching for about 3 hours I find only 2 domain name. So if you are planning to start a new site in future, buy your domain name today itself. Because that day you may be not find your desired domain name. Today I will discuss about some domain generator tools which help you find your short,unique,easily rememberable domain name. Rules of a good domain name-

1. Easily rememberable.
2. It should be easy to type.
3. I does not include numbers and hyphens.
4. If it is possible choose only Dot-com extension.

These are the common characteristics of a killer domain name. If anything left I request you to add to our comments section. Now lets discuss about the tools-

Best Tools to Find a Killer Domain Name

wordoid dest domain generator


I came to know about this tool before two months and surely it is a cool one. This tool made up words that sounds like natural word. You can set your own word length. Wordoid always made good domain name because all names are easily pronounceable and rememberable.
domize domain generator tool


Another great tool which can search a large combination of terms. One special function,you can enter a comma-separated list of words, letters or numbers. domain name generator

5letter dot com

From the name probably you guessed this tool can be used to find 5 letter domain name. Recently I have used this tool to find a killer domain name for new tech blog.
Dyyo domain name generator


If you are still looking for 4 letter domain name, this will tool will surely help you. But be hurry.Because only a few 4 letters domain names are available. It may be finished today itself.

After finding your desired domain name you have to register it to make it your own. But where to register? I prefer Godaddy dot com. It is the most popular domain name registrar and is theĀ  world’s No. 1 ICANN-accredited domain name registrar (Source:

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